2000 Organika ke anorganota (Organic and Disorganised)

BMG-ΔΙΦΩΝΟ 74321 – 770912
Recorded by Stathis Skouropoulos at “Hand-made studio” of Panayiotis Kalatzopoulos on May 17th, 2000. Mixes: Panayiotis Kalatzopoulos, Yiannis Kotsiras Production Manager: Yiannis Kotsiras, Panayiotis Kalatzopoulos Digital Μastering: Christos Chatzistamou – Αthens Μastering Mucisians: Kiriakos Gouventas: Violin Ploutarxos Reboutsikas: Accordion Fergus Currie: Kontrabasso Vagelis Karipis: Percussion instruments Mihalis Diakogiorgis: Percussion instruments, vibraphone, metalphone Panagiotis Kalantzopoulos: guitar, sazi, lafta We hoped that we could record these five songs with a “new” technique but finally this was proved as old as music. All together. Musicians and singer simultaneously, with instruments and microphones, five songs a day like the good old days. Nine hours later, we had five good times on “Polaroid” “filled with passion and mistakes”, but filled with soul, and as the musicians came up the stairs from the basement, late at night, all of them tired but happy, we heard someone say: “may it always be like this…”. It seems that nowadays progress is indicated by the remission of that which is called evolution, in other words in a reversion to those things which put gain in the background: such as organic crops instead of the genetically modified, live music instead of computers, wood instead of plastic, the “mistake” instead of the “infallible”, and finally that which we call “the soul”. This is why we called these songs “organic”, for their natural quality and their clarity, and “disorganised” because the soul resides in the impulsive and the simple.